Friday night Kate and Brandon came over and hung out. Kate and I kicked it off with a country dance party with Mr. Cash in the living room. We danced around to Pat Green and the pearl snap shirt song (which is one I sing to Cash every time he wears a pearl snap). It was an obvious attempt to wear Cash out, one that failed miserably. 10:30 came around and the adults found ourselves lying around on the furniture watching Cash literally bounce around the room babbling to himself excitedly. Where that kid finds his energy I'll never know.
Saturday I had to work, so Cash went to Fairfax to spend the day with Mamaw and Papa. He had a very super busy day helping Papa fix things. They assembled a crib for the guest room since apparently little man is getting a bit too hefty for the Pack N Play. Cash did some work himself, apparently finding a washcloth, dipping it into the toilet, then using it to wipe down every surface of the bathroom. He figured out how to remove a pin from the screen door that is still MIA. He also formed an alliance with the dogs that was sealed with some sort of ritual involving sharing from his own fork and then attempting to lick out their bowls when they were done eating. Despite all of this *hard work* he still managed to wear out the entire staff of Frasier's, the sports bar where Brandon so graciously took us to dinner and stayed up until nearly 11. I'm going to have to start chugging energy drinks soon.
I will now leave you with a picture from our Norman trip two weekends ago. My friend Brandi so graciously snapped it on her phone sometime right after Chris had taunted me by telling me that I had turned into some "lame mom" ("mom" was not a compliment in this instance, it was drawn out over a few syllables) because I was drooping in my chair by midnight. Someone handed me a shot, and the next thing I know I was dancing on the chair. I showed him! ha! Its probably a good thing we now live in separate states....
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