Tuesday, March 8, 2011

4 x 4 = One More Reason To Be Narcissistic

I got tagged, and I enjoyed Britney's posts immensely, so here goes:
(this is also going to make me finally learn how to use links and things in blogger, so I suppose I'm grateful that I'm being forced not to be lazy)

4 Places I go:
University Center in Ponca City
I am taking classes here, through Northwestern and NOC. Three of my classes are through iTv at the center, and 3 of them are online. I have really enjoyed being able to take classes in my hometown, where I can live cheaply (because I'm renting from the parents) and be close to family while my son is young. I am graduating in December (whoo hoo).

US Cellular
This is where I work. Dooce says you shouldn't talk about work on your blog. So that's all I have to say about that.

I'm here a lot. I rent a house that my parents own. Its a cute little two bedroom that holds a lot of memories, because it also happens to be the place where I lived when I was age 3 until the 3rd grade. I feel really blessed that I'm able to live in a house with a big living room and a yard and a nice front porch where my son can play. I'm always looking for ways to organize, and to make it homier. (not sure if its an actual word, but you know what I mean)

4 Favorite Smells:
Cash's head. You had to know that was going to end up on here somewhere. You just can't beat that baby smell, especially when he's digging his head into my neck giving me a giant hug when I get home from work.

Clinique Happy Heart
Clinique Happy has been my "signature smell" if you will, for awhile. When I can afford to buy real perfume. I've had my eye (nose?) on the Happy Heart smell for awhile now, and as soon as I can justify forking over the bucks, its going to be allllll mine. It just makes me feel pretty.

I've been on a real incense kick lately. I love the way it permeates the house with good smelling goodness. Cash and Dagney love watching the smoke curl up in lazy circles. It makes for a happy home.

Chex Mix.
My mom makes it homemade every year at Christmas time, and I swear any time I smell anything cooking with Worcestershire sauce, it makes my mouth water. My brother and I fight over the bags of it every year.

4 Favorite Movies/Shows:
Gilmore Girls.
Obviously, my all time favorite. I go through periods where I watch it nonstop. It is my no-fail cure to a bad day.

I have recently started watching this show again lately with Cash. I can't believe how he will sit on my lap and watch it with me for like an hour. (no comments on babies and media and tv and blah blah blah...I like our quality snuggle time) I always remember it as being very funny, but I forget how more often than not, it also makes me tear up.

How I Met Your Mother
Another very funny show that has got me completely hooked.

Romance movies.
Yes, in general. I cannot pick one. But this is the only genre of movie I can watch over and over. I kindof judge things by whether they make me laugh, but especially if they make me cry. I'm a woman and am addicted to that dramatic soul deep introspection. If a movie can give me that instead of making me experience it all in real life, I'm all for it. Because real life man drama is much more stressful.

4 Recommendations:
Find a job you love.
You are going to be working at it at least half of the time for a good portion of your life. If you aren't happy there, its going to be tough to be happy in general. Also, try and find something that fulfills something in you as a person. If you don't feel like you are actually giving back to society in some way, things are going to feel kinda empty.

Don't be too nervous about having a kid.
Sure, they change everything. Sure, you're totally not ready. Sure, they are expensive...blah blah blah...bottom line is, its all worth every second. And you don't really ever regret it. Even when you're broke and exhausted and stressed, the payoff is way way worth the effort. They are entertaining. And cute. And they make everything you do seem so much more important. And they (for a while anyways) think you are totally awesome, no strings attached.

Read. As much as possible.
Its the easiest and cheapest way to be exposed to new places, new ideas, to escape from the world around you for a bit when you most need it. It's the only way to really communicate with people from a completely different time period. Its really just awesome all around.

Take notes.
You're not going to remember things forever. Keep a diary of sweet moments between you and friends, family, a spouse. Start a wine journal. Write down the important notes from this week's sermon. Copy down that awesome quote you just read. Buy a day planner so you don't forget Monday is trash day. It increases productivity, but it also helps you remember all those little things that have made life sweet.

1 comment:

Britney Pedraza said...

Great Job! Love reading about you!