Saturday, December 10, 2011

Living like a college kid again

This week (and next) are finals weeks (yes, lucky me, I get two) so I've been doing quite a lot of studying. This Monday, I had two really big finals the next day, so after I put Cash to bed, I got down to do some serious work. Then I get a phone call.
A friend of mine had had a few drinks at the bar and unwisely decided to go ahead and drive to Wendy's. I told him that he should under no circumstances be driving, and advised he...not do that. So he told me, okay, I'm on my way over. you can't do that, I'm studying.
"But, Mindy, you clearly just told me I shouldn't be driving, and you're right. And your house is the closest to Wendy's. I'm just being responsible."
Crap. That's what I get for being a responsible citizen.
So he comes over and eats his dinner while I read over my textbooks, and we get to chatting.
Actually, first he asked what Chris was up to.
" friend Chris in Florida who you've never actually met?" "Yes, that's the one." "Umm...idk he actually called a few minutes ago but I couldn't answer." "Okay, well I think I need to call him." "Okay, that sounds fantastic go right ahead."
After they chatted for awhile, we started talking about who knows what and he ended up telling me (with a voice of admiration) that I am a Drunkoligist: because I understand "hammered" so well. Well, I'm glad I learned something in all those years in Norman. Then he told me that "I love schedules, cowboy butts drive me nuts" and promptly passed out on my couch, where I continued to study for a few hours. He literally laid his head down and two seconds later was snoring. I kindof thought maybe he was faking so I shook him a little and nope: that man is serious when it comes to his sleep.
And that was my Monday night.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Chris: Dude, I was at this stoplight just now, and the light went out & my radio did too at the same time!
Me: holy crap that's creepy
Chris: yeah, I mean, the radio station was just down the block so maybe they had a power surge.
Me: i hope so, because the only other logical explanation is that aliens were overhead sucking all power to fuel their ship
Chris: well, if it happens again I'm going to panic.
Me: that's exactly what you should do. it needs to be a full on panic attack with screaming & everything.
Chris: I'll pee.
Me: at least you have a plan.