Friday, February 18, 2011

Farm Life

Wednesday night Cash and I got ourselves invited to eat at the Shenold's. It was, as always, an adventure. I had to make a call on the way there to Candala to get exact directions. Bodie got on and told me to drive about a quarter mile past the electrical plant and make a left. I would like to take this moment to point out that the ONLY person in Cash's side of the family that has a normal address on a normal street is his father. Every single other relation's address includes some form of turning down some dirt road on some nameless street past some water tower of some sort. I'm just saying...So Bodie and Candala had made a run to Walgreens, and told Candala she'd better HURRY UP because there were going to be So Many Kids to play with and they were missing out on all the fun!!! We love Uncle Bobo.

We got there, and Paula and Codie's 5 year old Emma pronounced Cash "the absolute cutest thing she has EVER SEEN." I don't think she left his side for the rest of the night. She's such a great little helper. She took him for a ride in their kiddie Jeep, and taught him how to rake up the hay...I'm pretty sure Cash is officially in love.


Right after we first got there, someone asked me if I'd seen the coyote. Whaaaat? Oh yes, Codie had shot a coyote and had it hanging upside down, dead as a doornail outside the barn. Of course, I couldn't give up the photo op. Candala and I have a tradition of taking pictures making me look like as much of a country girl as possible...totally improving my street rep.

Cash got to do all sorts of fun things like talk to the dogs, try and eat gravel (Uncle Bobo was all over that one), and steal mommy's unopened beer cans. He likes chewing on them because they are cold. I'm okay with this, as long as he still hasn't figured out how to open them. Its only a matter of time...

But hey, at least he shares!

And hey, look: Chickens!

Such a great time. We are definitely going to have to add more visits to our summer to do list :)

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